Of myself


I am a historian specialising in contemporary  history. I completed my secondary school in Bratislava, and graduated from the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University Bratislava in 1993.

For six years, I used to be a teacher at a private school in Galanta city. I spent the academic year 1999 to 2000 as a teacher of history at Ashville College Harrogate (North Yorkshire) an independent day and boarding school run by the Methodist Church. When I returned home, I spent six years as a teacher in my previous secondary school in Bratislava. I gained my PhD. at my alma mater in Bratislava in 2004. I became an Associate Professor of History (Docent) at the History Department of the Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Hungary, in April 2015. From November 9, 2015 until February 2020 I served as Vice-Dean for Science at the Faculty of Education of the J. Selye University. Since April 2016, I have been a member of the international Advisory Board at Professor Csaba Békés's Cold War History Research Center at the Corvinus University Budapest. In 2019, I established a PhD. school in History Didactics at the History Department of Faculty of Education of J. Selye University. In September 2019 I received the Rector's Award for ,,outstanding scientific publication” at the Selye University. Since 2009, I have been a Member of the Editorial Board of Történelemt@nítás - Online Journal on History Didactics. Since 2015, I have been a journal manager of the Eruditio-Educatio scientific journal. Since 2021, I have been an editor of the English language Forum Social Sciences Review scientific journal. Since 2020, I have been a Member of the Sientific Editorial Board of the journal Človek a spoločnosť, published by Spoločenskovedný ústav of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice. Since 2023, have been a Member of the Scientific Editorial Board of Belvedere Meridionale, published by University of Szeged, Hungary. Since 2005, I have been researching & teaching at the Department of History at the University of J. Selye, Komarno, Slovakia. I have been focusing on two main fields of interest: history of the Cold War (incl. international relations, media propaganda and urban developement in communist towns), and History Didactics (incl. research of history textbooks). In 2023, prof. Tatsuya Nakazawa, Head of the Waseda University Institute for the Study of Nationalism and Ethnicity has asked me to be an external expert of the Institute.



To date, I have published 19 books, including:

Sigmund Freud, as author (2005);

Famous Political Speeches of the 20th Century, as editor (2006);

Famous Hungarian Political Speeches, as editor (2007);

Introduction to History Didactics and Methodology of History Teaching, as author (2009);

Komárom/Komárno International Research Project, as author and editor (2008);

Radio Free Europe [in Hungarian], as author (2011);

Radio Free Europe [in Slovak], as author (2013);

Hidegháború es európai integráció [Cold War and European Integration] as author (2015);

Vajda Barnabás–Gaucsík István (eds.): Várostörténeti fejezetek a csehszlovák szocializmus korából. Az urbanizáció formái Dél-Szlovákiában. Kapitoly z dejín miest za československého socializmu. Formy urbanizácie na juhu Slovenska. Chapters of urban studies from the communist Czechoslovakia. Forms of urbanization in Southern Slovakia [a tri-lingual book] as author and editor (2015).

Vajda, Barnabas et al.: Forms of Political and Media Propaganda in Central Europe, Czecho-Slovakia and Hungary (1938-1968). as editor, author and co-author. This volume inludes co-authors suh as: David Schriffl (Austria), Milan Olejník (Slovakia), Simon Attila (Slovakia), Tatsuya Nakazawa (Japan), Popély Árpád (Slovakia), Peter Jašek (Slovakia), Karl P. Benziger (USA), Marína Zavacká (Slovakia), Révész Béla (Hungary).

Vajda, Barnabás: A csehszlovákiai ideológiai harc természetéről (1948–1989) O charaktere ideologického ťaženia v Československu (1948–1989)(2017)

Vajda, Barnabás as Assistant Editor: Bibliography of New Cold War History (international online publication by the Cold War History Research Center Budapest (2017)

Vajda, Barnabás: Bevezetés a történelemdidaktikába és a történelemmetodikába (2nd Edition, 2018)

Vajda Barnabás: Dunaszerdahely 1945–1989. Első rész: Források Dunaszerdahely 1945–1989 közti várostörténetéhez. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2019, 268 oldal. ISBN 978-80-8122-303-7.

Vajda Barnabás: Hidegháború és európai integráció. Második, módosított szövegű kiadás. SJE Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2020, 215 oldal, ISBN 978-80-8122-351-8.

Vajda Barnabás: Történelemdidaktika és történelemtankönyv-kutatás. Selye János Egyetem, Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2020, 380. ISBN 978-80-8122-345-7.

Vajda Barnabás: Dunaszerdahely 1945–1989. Második rész: A Dunaszerdahelyi Református Egyházközség presbiteri jegyzőkönyvei 1941–1990. Forrásközlés. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2021, 290 old, ISBN 978-80-8122-388-4. (Dunajská Streda 1945–1989. Ćasť 2. Zápisnice presbyterstva Dunajskostredského reformovaného cirkevného zboru 1941–1990.)

Vajda Barnabás: Dunaszerdahely 1945–1989. Harmadik rész: Történetek a városról. (Barnabás Vajda (ed.): Dunajská Streda 1945–1989. Ćasť 3. Príbehy z mesta.) Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2022, 150 old. ISBN 978-80-8122-420-1.

Vajda Barnabás: Dunaszerdahely 1945–1989. Negyedik rész: Életrajzi lexikon. Selye J. Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2023, 168 old., ISBN 978-80-8122-460-7.

Vajda, Barnabás: Szöveggyűjtemény és források a hidegháború és az európai integráció történetéhez. (Collection of texts and sources for researching the history of the Cold War and the European Integration; Zbierka textov a prameňov k výskumu dejín studenej vojny a Európskej integrácie) Univerzita J. Selyeho, 2024, 154 p. ISBN 978-80-8122-494-2.

Privately: I am a native Hungarian, with fluent Slovak and English language skills. I am a Calvinist Protestant as far as my religion is concerned. With my wife and two grown-up children we live in Dunaszerdahely / Dunajská Streda, Slovakia.