My works in English


Calibri 11



Hungarian and Czechoslovak State Offices for Religious Affairs. With Mark Kamer and Corina Snitar for the JoCWS. (in progress 2024)

An ongoing Cold War in the era of seesawing international balance of power? (in progress 2024)


Vajda Barnabas's review on Roger Scruton A konzervativizmus, in: Forum Social Sciences Review December 2024 (

Vajda, Barnabás: Professional debates within the international History Didactics. In: Opus et Educatio,  Vol. 11, No. 2 (2024) (DOI:

Barnabás, Vajda: On some aspects of history examinations. In: Fekete, Áron (szerk.): Történelem mint tudomány és mint iskolai tantárgy. Selye János Egyetem Tanárképző Kar, Komárom, 2024, 43-56. ISBN 978-80-8122-492-8. (


Barnabás Vajda: Report from the conference “Why History Education? Exams as a Mirror for Teaching and Learning History”, September 14–16, 2023, Luzern, Switzerland. In: Individual and Society  - Človek a spoločnosť. Year 2023, Volume 26, Issue 2. (

Barnabás Vajda: Graz, Budapest, Lucerne - Which Way is International History Didactics Currently Heading to? In:  HERJ Hungarian Educational Research Journal “Trends in History Teaching” Issue 2023, Volume 13, Issue 4, December 2023, pp. 594-607. Akadémiai Kiadó, ISSN 2064-2199. DOI: 10.1556/063.2023.00140.

Vajda, Barnabás: Teaching history in Slovakia: an uncertain school subject? In: Gautschi, Peter – Furrer, Markus – Fink, Nadine (eds.): Why History Education? Frankfurt am Main: Wochenschau Verlag, 2023, pp. 138-152. ISBN 978-3-7344-1598-2. Accessible online at DOI: 10.46499/1979.

Barnabás Vajda: Three phases of the Cold War? In: Eruditio-Educatio 2023/1 (Accessible:

H-Diplo Roundtable XXIV-30. Csaba Békés's Hungary's Cold War International Relations from the End of World War II to the Fall of the Soviet Union. Editors: Diane Labrosse and Thomas Maddux Professor of History at California State University Nortridge. Introduction by James G. Hershberg The George Washington University. Reviews by: Tamás Magyarics (ELTE, NKE), Douglas Selvage (Humboldt-Universität Berlin), Corina Snitar (University of Glasgow), Barnabás Vajda (SJE).(Accessible:


Barnabás Vajda: Teaching Cold War in the post-Cold War era. In: International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education and History Culture (JHEC) - Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics, “History Education 30 years after the Cold War”, Wochenschau Verlag, Frankfurt, 2021, Year 2021, Volume 42, pp. 13-26. ISSN 1608-8751. (Registered in Scopus)

Barnabas, Vajda: Radio Free Europe as part of the Central European political migration in the context of the Cold War. In: Individual and Society – Človek a spločnosť, Issue 1, Year 2022. ISSN 1335-3608. DOI: ( (Published 2022.05.17.)



Barnabás Vajda: State Border Komárom – Komárno. In: Kolář, Ondřej (ed.): Státní hranice a pohraniční regiony ve sřední Evropě 1918-1989. Borders and Border Regions in Central Europe 1918-1989. Slezské zemské muzeum, Opava, 2021, pp. 257-268. ISBN 978-80-87789-79-7.

Vajda, Barnabás: The Soviet Army Stationing and its Legacy in Czechoslovakia and at Fortress Komárno. In: Meissner, Christoph / Morré, Jörg (eds.): The Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from East Central Europe. National Perspectives in Comparison. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage, Göttingen, 2021, pp. 214-227, ISBN ISBN 978–3–666–31127–7.


Vajda, Barnabás: Why (and how) to teach sensible history? In: Opus et Educatio, Vol 8, No 1 (2021) ISSN 2064-9908. ( (Megjelent: 2021.03.10.)



Békés Csaba: Enyhülés és emancipáció. Magyarország, a szovjet blokk és a nemzetközi politika, 1944–1991. Budapest, Osiris Kiadó –MTA TK, 2019. In: Harvard Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 22, No 4, Fall 2020, pp. 233-234. (


Vajda, Barnabás – Benziger, Karl’s Review on Markus Furrer and Peter Gautschi (eds) Remembering and Recounting the Cold War.  Yearbook 2020 of International Society for History Didactics, Wochenschau Verlag, Germany, 2020, pp. 263-267. ISBN 978-3-7344-1177-9.

Review on the book: Mazurkiewicz, Anna (Ed.): East Central European Migrations During the Cold War. A Handbook. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin/Boston, 2019, 465 p. ISBN 978-3-11-060753-6. In: West Bohemian Historical Review, Vol. X, 2020/ Issue No. 2, pp. 258-261. ISSN 1804-5480. Department of Historical Sciences of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen in cooperation with the Department of History of University in Hamburg. Link: (

Vajda, Barnabás: Historical Pull and Push Factors in Central Europe After 1989. In: Windhager, Ákos (Editor): A Political or a Cultural Project? Contemporary Discourses on Central European Identity. Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology, 2020, 103-111. ISBN 978-615-5869-88-4. (




Barnabas Vajda: Textbooks as Propaganda. On Wojdon, Joanna: Textbooks as Propaganda. Poland under Communist Rule, 1944-1989. Routledge, New York and London, 2018. International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture – Yearbook 2019 of The International Society of History Didactics, Wochenschau Verlag,, Frankfurt, 2019, pp. 265-270. ISSN 1608-8751. Full text: Wojdon_Review_04.pdf (136,7 kB)


Barnabás, Vajda: Fort Komárno: vast, closed and abandoned. In: Eruditio Educatio (Volume-Jahrgang 14.) 3/2019, pp. 5–20. ISSN 1336-8893. Full text: EE_2019_3_CEEOL_01_Vajda.pdf (1,9 MB)



Barnabás Vajda: Memory of the First World War - A “resurrection” of a Prisoners of War Cemetery. In: Ieda, Osamu–Nagayo, Susumu (eds.): Transboundary Symbiosis over the Danube III. Waseda University Press. Tokyo, Japan, 2018, pp. 59-68. ISBN 978-4-657-18003-2. Accessible at the repository of the Waseda University:



Barnabás Vajda (as Assistant Editor): Bibliography of New Cold War History. Cold War History Research Center, Budapest, 2017, ISBN 978-963-503-659-2. Online publication at:  [Published: 2018.01.31.]

Vajda Barnabás: Dunaszerdahelyi épületek, terek, kultuszok – tények és magyarázatok. In: Napút, 2017. szeptember, XIX. évf. 7. sz. 79-92, ISSN 1419-4082. Full text: DSZ_Szoci_12_NAPUT_2.doc (141,5 kB)

Vajda, Barnabás: 1956-1968 : East European political emigration in the context of the Cold War. In: Falusi, Márton – Windhager, Ákos Károly (eds.): The Central European Refugee’s Cultural Memory in the Homelands. Only Vanished Footprints or a Permanent Legacy? Fundamenta profunda 5. Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute, Budapest, 2017, pp.31-37. Text: 2016.09.05_MMA_Eoa_6_Tanulm.docx (44,9 kB)


Vajda, Barnabás: 1956-1968 : East European political emigration in the context of the Cold War. In: Falusi, Márton – Windhager, Ákos Károly (eds.): The Central European Refugee’s Cultural Memory in the Homelands. Only Vanished Footprints or a Permanent Legacy? Fundamenta profunda 5. Hungarian Academy of Arts Research Institute, Budapest, 2017, pp. 31-37. Full text: 2016.09.05_MMA_Eoa_6_Tanulm.docx (44,9 kB)




Vajda, Barnabás: On the global–national–regional–local layers of the Slovak secondary school history schoolbooks. For the Yearbook 2016 of The International Society of History Didactics, Wochenschau Verlag, Germany, 2016, 139-152. ISBN 978-3-7344-0033-9. Full text: ISHD_Yearbook_2016_Vajda_08.docx (67,3 kB)




Kratochvíl, Viliam & Vajda, Barnabás: History Didactics in the Slovak Republic. In: Erdmann, Elisabeth–Hasberg, Wolfgang (eds.): History Teacher Education. Global Interrelations. Wochenschau Geschichte Verlag, Schwalbach, 2015, p 304. ISBN 978-3-7344-0081-0. Link: Our study in pdf.: Vajda_Kratochvil_HTE_2015.pdf (246,2 kB)


Comments on Prof. Hans-Jürgen Pandlel’s article. by B.Vajda In: Public History Weekly, on September 22, 2015. Online: [2015.09.25.]


Barnabas Vajda: The Malta meeting and Eastern Europe in 1989: How were they presented by the media propaganda in Czechoslovakia? In: Ieda, Osamu–Nagayo, Susumu (eds.): Transboundary Symbiosis over the Danube II. Road to a Multidimensional Ethnic Symbiosis in the Mid-Danube Region. Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 2015, pp. 71-89. ISBN 978-4-938637-80-4. Text accessible here: Malta_Chapter06_Vajda.pdf (394,6 kB) Accessible also here:


Csaba Békés–Béla Révész–Barnabás Vajda: The Malta Summit of 1989 from Hungarian Perspective: Related Sources after 25 Years. Cold War International History Project of the Woodow Wilson Center, Washington D.C. CWIHP e-Dossier No. 63. CWIHP Bulletin ISSN 1071-9652. Edited by: Csaba Békés, Béla Révész, Barnabás Vajda. Co-editors: Laura Deal, Karl P. Benziger. Published in April 2015. Accessible at: [April 4, 2015]




My English review on The Inaguration of Organized Political Warfare - Cold War Organizations, ed. by Katalin Kádár Lynn, in The Hungarian Historical Review,  Volume 3, Issue 4 (2014), pp. 919-924 is accessible at or in pdf. here: HHR2014-4_BVajda_review.pdf (188,5 kB)


Barnabas Vajda: Czechoslovakia, decolonization and some ‘materiales de guerra’. Yearbook No 35 of the International Society for History Didactics. Wochenschau Verlag, Germany, 2014, 165-175. ISBN 978-3-7344-0033-9.


Barnabás, Vajda: The Komárom/Komárno Case, or from the ‘Iron Curtain Feeling’ to the ‘No-Border Feeling’. In: Transboundary Symbiosis over the Danube. EU integration between Slovakia and Hungary from a local border perspective. Edited by Osamu Ieda. Slavic Research center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 2014, pp. 49-67. ISBN 978-4-938637-80-4. Komarom_Komarno_Case_2.doc (105 kB) Accessible also here:


Prior to 2012


The English Summary of my Radio Free Europe book: Vajda_RFE_2011_English_Summary.pdf (65,2 kB)


Vajda Barnabas: Decolonization and Czecho-Slovakia in the Cold War – From Jovial Propaganda to Large Weapon Sales. Manuscript available here: Konf_Tutz_Paper_Full_clean.pdf (50 kB)


Vajda Barnabás: On the Joint/Mutual Hungarian–Slovak History Schoolbook. EruditioEducatio  (7. évf.) 2012, č. 3, 94–105. 2012_EE_English_Vajda_02.pdf (57,7 kB)


Vajda Barnabás: Communist Czechoslovakia and Radio Free Europe. In: László Szarka (ed.): A Multiethnic Region and Nation-State in East-Central Europe. Studies in the History of Upper Hungary and Slovakia from the 1600s to the Present. East European Monographs No 787. Atlantic Research and Publications Inc. USA and Balassi Institute Budapest, 2011. Vajda_RFE_2011_English_Summary.pdf (65,2 kB)


Vajda Barnabás: Analysis of some Slovakian History Textbooks. Yearbook of the ISHD 2011. Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach, pp. 147-158. Analysis_of_some.pdf (41,8 kB)


Vajda Barnabás: Events in Czehoslovakia under the Influence of the 1956 Hungarian revolution. In: The Impact of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution on Religious Life in Eastern Europe. Published by Society for Church History in Hungary (METEM), Budapest, 2009. Ed. Zombori István.


Vajda Barnabás: Remembering the Cold War in Komárom. Eruditio – Educatio 4  (2009), 2., pp. 17–24. LBI_VB_Eng_For_EE_General.pdf (38,1 kB), and an other manuscript Komarom_Komarno_Case_1.pdf (77,8 kB)


Some outcomes from our cooperation with The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Vienna LBI_VB_Eng_For_EE_General.pdf (38,1 kB)